Online Advertising Opportunities

Run of Site Banner Advertising: The Guild of Blades runs one of the most successful websites among hobby game manufacturers. It has a viewership amazingly well targeted at the historical fans and fantasy enthusiasts. Now you can advertise to our viewers at very reasonable rates. Advertising opportunities include 468 X 60 hyper linked banners. Prices range from $3 to $1.75 per thousand banners depending on ad purchase volume. For more information on advertising on the Guild of Blades Publishing Group's network of online sites, or to purchase advertising using our online e-commerce buying option -Click Here-.
Interactive Empires: Coming soon. A unique new interactive fantasy empire builder game. Large 3 1/2 inch by 7 inch hyper linked image advertisements will be made available on each primary image map. Cost of $25 per image with discounts for multi ad purchases. Unlike traditional "banner" rotations and CPM pricing (cost per thousand impressions), image ads on Interactive Empires will become a permanent part of the online game board and remain for the duration of the game. And since Interactive Empires is designed to be an ever evolving online community, once started we sincerely hope to never see an end to it. Time sensitive ads not recommended. -Email- us for more details.  Industry targeted advertising opportunities for Manufacturers, Retailers, Distributors, and service providers such as Printers, and others. Manufacturers, Retailers, Game Club Organizers, and Conventions, you can get your own interactive page listing on for free.

Print Media Advertising Opportunities

Mass Game/Magazine Advertising:  This is a new marketing initiative by the Guild of Blades. Due to certain sensative business issues, we can't list complete details of this program here online. However, if you are interested in purchasing full color advertising pages in a booklet that will have 1,000,000 distribution targeted specifically at gamers, comic fans, and fantasy enthusiasts, we have the advertising opportunity for you. Ad rates are as follows:

1,000,000 impressions. 8 3/8" x 10 7/8" page dimensions. Full bleed trim.

Fulll Page, Full Color Ad Pages (Available in full pages only).

Back Cover  =  $9,500  (only $.0095 per page impression)
Inside Book Cover  =  $9,000  (only $.009 per page impression)
Back Inside Cover  =  $8,500  (only $.009 per page impression)
2 Page Center Spread  =  $14,500  (only $.0145 per two page spread: $.00725 per page impression)
Full Color Ad Page  =  $7,000  (only $.007 per page impression)

Black and White Ad Options. 8 3/8" x 10 7/8" page dimensions. No full bleed, 8 1/8" x 10 5/8" full page image area.

Full Page  =  $4,500  (only $.0045 per page impression. 8 1/8" x 10 5/8" image area)
Half Page  =  $2,375  (only $.002375 per ad impression. 8 1/8" x 5 1/4" image area)
1/6th Page  =  $825  (only $.000825 per ad impression. 2 2/3"" x 5 1/4" image area)
Business Card Ad Space  =  $475  (only $.000475 per ad impression. 2" x 3.5" image area)

Special Black and White Ad Options.

1/6th Page on Table of Contents Page  =  $900  (only $.0009 per ad impression. 2 2/3"" x 5 1/4" image area)
Business Card Ad Space on Character Sheet  =  $600  (only $.0006 per ad impression. 2" x 3.5" image area)

This publication shall be released 6 times annually, so discounts of up to 5% are available for multiple issue advertisers. If you are interested in this opportunity or would like additional information (such as distribution method, target age and gender demographics, etc), please E-mail Ryan Johnson or call us at 219-864-8706.

2002 page copyright, Guild of Blades Publishing Group. All rights reserved.