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The War to End All Wars 3rd Ed.
Complete Game Rules

Free-For-All Game Scenario

In this scenario each player assume control of one nation and must play that nation against all other nations. The goal is to increase the nation’s total resources collected by any means possible. Players may attack anyone they wish and make allies with any player nations they wish. Only minor nations not being played by another player may be influenced. Before play begins the players all agree to play to a set time or a set number of turns. The player which expands their nation by the greatest percentage will be the winner. Players may assume command of any nation, including smaller neutral nation not meant for player control in the Historical and Semi Historical scenarios.

At the end of play all players count the increase (assuming they achieved an increase) in resources collected per turn above and beyond what their nation began with. With these numbers players determine which player achieved the greatest percentage increase over what they began with. For example: The Spain starts with 45 resources. If it ended play collecting 60 resources, resolving its percentage increase would go as follows: 60 divided by 45 = 1.33 1/3. Moving the decimal point two digits to the right, the Spanish player collected 133 1/3% of his starting production. That is a 33 1/3% increase. By comparison, in order for the United States to achieve the same percentage increase, it would have to collect 280 resources per turn. That’s a major 70 resource point gain, or roughly the complete conquest of all of Russia. So players must weigh the benefits of having massive war industries of nations like the USA, Germany, or Britain at their disposal against the much smaller gains needed to be achieved by smaller nations.

The sequence of play for the Free For All Scenario is rolled for each and every game. turn. Each player rolls 1D10 and the highest player goes first. Players may then decide to follow a clockwise progression or to proceed with a turn order based on a descending order of initiative rolls.

Below is a list of how many units each nation begins with. For all nations not listed below, refer to the Neutral Nation Set Ups near the end of this book and merely add up the total starting forces listed there for the particular nation to be played. Players may then take these units and set them up in territories owned by the nation they are playing. Naval units can only be placed into sea zone adjacent to a territory with a port owned by that nation. In the case of minor nations with starting ships but no starting port, those nations also begin with a port in this scenario. Generals should be selected at random.

Russia: 3 Ind. Complexes, 2 Ports, 2 Dest, 1 Sub, 1 Trans, 32 Inf, 4 Artillery, 2 Gen.

Germany: 5 Ind. Complexes, 2 Ports, 1 Batt, 3 Dest, 3 Trans, 4 Subs, 36 Inf, 14 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 3 Gen.

France: 3 Ind. Complexes, 2 Ports, 3 Batt, 2 Trans, 28 Inf, 5 Artillery, 2 Gen.

Britian: 4 Ind. Complexes, 4 Ports, 2 Batt, 4 Dest, 1 Sub, 4 Trans, 24 Inf, 3 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Gen.

Austro-Hungary: 2 Ind. Complexes, 1 Port, 1 Dest, 25 Inf, 2 Artillery, 1 Gen.

Italy: 2 Ind. Complexes, 2 Ports, 1 Dest, 1 Sub, 1 Trans, 16 Inf, 2 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, 1 Gen.

Japan: 2 Ind. Complexes, 3 Ports, 1 Batt, 1 Dest, 2 Trans, 17 Inf, 4 Artillery, 1 Gen.

Ottoman Empire: 2 Ind. Complexes, 1 Port, 1 Dest, 1 Trans, 13 Inf, 1 Artillery, 1 Gen.

USA: 4 Ind. Complexes, 3 Ports, 1 Batt, 2 Dest, 1 Sub, 2 Trans, 14 Inf, 1 Artillery, 1 Gen.

China: 2 Ind. Complexes, 50 Inf, 4 Artillery, 1 Gen.

Spain: 1 Ind. Complex, 1 Port, 16 Inf, 3 Artillery, 1 Gen.

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