During this phase a player has a number of different diplomatic actions available to
them: These are detailed below:
1.1: Declarations of War: Any nation the player intends to attack this turn, if the player is not yet at war with that nation, then they must declare war on them at this point. Make sure to determine the effects of the declaration of war on US Entry or any other neutral major nations.
1.2: Diplomatic Influence: Most minor nations and some major neutral nations can be influenced by the major nations already active in the main war. There are five diplomatic stands on the chart below; these are Central Power Camp, Favorable to the Central Powers, Completely Neutral, Favorable to the Allies, and the Allied Powers Camp. All neutral minor nations begin either neutral or favorable to one side or the other.
Central Camp
Pro Central
Pro Allied
Allied Camp
A nation may spend 10 resources for a chance at making a neutral nation more favorable to them. The chance of this happening is 2 in 10 per attempt. Only one attempt can be made on a particular nation by the player each turn. For instance, Spain begins the war completely neutral. Germany could spend 10 resources for a diplomatic influence attempt on Spain. Assuming the roll was successful, Spain would then become favorable to the Central Powers. If Germany or another Central Power nation could successfully influence Spain again, then Spain would join the Central Power side. If, however, an Allied nation successfully influenced Spain before that time, then Spain would move one position closer to friendly relations with the Allies and become neutral again.