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The War to End All Wars 3rd Ed.
Complete Game Rules

Phase 12: Collect Resources

The player now gets to add up all of the resources from all of the territories they control. For most nations, the total sum of these resources will trace a route back to the nation’s homeland where the resources will be saved. However, for a few nations with colonial possessions, some resources will automatically be routed to be saved at a colony instead of the imperial mainland. These resource divisions are detailed at the top of each nation’s troop and manpower charts earlier in this book. Also, select islands or other territories where it is not obvious where the resources should be saved, have the location for them to be saved directly on the map.

In order for a resource to be saved it must be able to trace a “line of supply” from the territory the resources belong to, to a Supply Center in the homeland or colony where the resource is suppose to be saved at. A “line of supply” is any number of friendly controlled territories and/or sea zones in a continuous line from the point of the resource location to a Supply Center. For these purposes, sea zones that are empty, contain only neutral vessels, or contain allied ships are considered “friendly”. If a “line of supply” cannot be traced from the territory with the resources to a supply center (this could happen if there were enemy ships in the way or a territory had been surrounded and cut off by the enemy), then the resources cannot be saved along with the other resources for that nation/colony. A “supply center” for these purposes are any City, Industrial Complex, or Port in an incorporated territory belonging to the nation or colony. In the event a resource cannot trace a line of supply to a supply center the resource can not be saved for that turn and is simply lost.

Naval Trade resources must follow a similar rule. If enemy ships (not counting subs) are in the sea zone containing your Naval Trade points, then you simply can not collect those Naval Trade Points this turn. If enemy submarines are in those sea zones instead, then those submarines may opt to attack the merchant convoys that represent the Naval Trade resources. When that happens a Convoy Battle will occur (see below).

--Conquered Territories:

Only your original homeland and colonial territories provide you full resource value (or in limited cases where special rules allow for the gifting of territories, such as Hong Kong to China, Trieste to Italy, etc, these gifted territories would be treated as original territories to their new owners) for collecting resources. All conquered territories are only worth half value (round up). During Phase 12, after adding up the resource values of all home territories, then add up the total resource values of all territories you have conquered. Divide that figure by half (round up) and add it to the resource value of all your original territories. Once this is done, then add up the value of all Naval Trade resources you are allowed to collect. If any enemy nations have subs in sea zones where you have Naval Trade resources, before you can collect those resources you must first resolve any Convoy Battles.

Go to Convoy Battles

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