Board Games, Strategy Games, Role Playing Games, RPGs, Role-Playing, Historical, Historical, War, Table Top, Tabletop, Axis & Allies, Miniatures, campaign, hobby, dice, supers, superhero, fantasy, science fiction, sci-fi, adventure   
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Retailer Support Page

Welcome Retailers. For those that are new to the Guild of Blades Publishing Group we encourage you to read About the Guild and our publishing history. Founded in 1994, the Guild of Blades has published over 250 games and gaming accessories and currently offers a variety of different product lines to interested game consumers.

The Guild of Blades presently choses not to sell through any hobby or game distribution companies, so we are the ONLY source for these products. However the Guild of Blades is happy to offer wholesale terms to retailers. We have three different wholesale programs for retailers to chose from. These are detailed below. In ALL cases retailers must E-mail Us with evidence of your brick and mortar retail business. Pictures of your store and a picture or copy of a valid business license will be required. The Guild of Blades only sells to businesses operating brick and mortar retail stores at this time.

Starter Retailer
Any Brick and Mortar retailer may order from the Guild by using our automated ordering catalog online (in production), by E-mailing or by phone by calling 810-625-3000. Retailers in the USA recieve a 50% discount off the suggested retail price and be charged a flat shipping fee of $5 regardless of the size of the order. There is a minimum order amount of $100 wholesale value per order. Orders will be invoiced and paid by credit card or Paypal at the time of ordering, prior to shipping.

Before you can begin ordering you will need to set up an account. First Create an Account. This will be a consumer level account until we can verify your retailer status. Then E-mail us your store information, including photos of your store and business license. It is ok to send is a link to a webpage if your store, IF said webpage has the necessary store photos on it. Once your account has been upgraded to a retailer account, you can order online on our Ordering Catalog when logged into your account.

Experienced Retailer
An Experienced Retailer will be any retailer who has ordered a minimum of 3 times previously and stocks the majority of the products from two or more of the Guild's product lines. To qualify for this tier, a retailer will have to have spent a mimimum of $250 from the Guild of Blades over the previous 12 months.

Experienced Retailers shall recieve a 55% discount off the suggested retail prices and pay a flat shipping fee of $5 per order, regardless of the size of a shipment. Order minimum remains $100 at wholesale and payment is at time of invoicing by credit card or paypal.

Preferred Retailer
A preferred retailer is any retailer who has spent a mimimum of $500 from the Guild of Blades over the previous 12 months and will carry the bulk majority of the Guild's in print product lines.

Preferred Retailers recieve a 60% discount off the suggested retail price and be shipped free of charge. Additionally Preferred Retailers may return products that remain in sellable, unopened condition (also removing any store stickers) for full credit that may be used against future orders. Store credit being used on an invoice may be used to pay a maximum of 50% of that invoice.

Order minimum remains $100 wholesale, though Preferred Retailers may apply for credit terms and if approved, recieved net 30 day invoicing rather than needing to pay at the time of ordering.

International Retailers
International Retailers may qualify for any of the above retail tiers. International retailers may have shipments sent to any freight forwarding company with a US address or we may arrange to ship direct, but must pass on actual shipping charges. Retailers outside the US are responsible for VAT, duty and/or any other charges involved with importing our products into their country.

Guild of Blades Retailer Rewards
All retail accounts will be automatically enrolled into our new Retailer Rewards program. Every dollar spent on Guild of Blades products will earn a retailer 1 rewards point. Rewards points may be redeemed on demo materials, free copies of games, marketing materials, special limited products and other special materials provided by the Guild to aid our retailers in displaying, presenting and selling our products, plus are designed to reward our good customers for their continued business.

Guild of Blades Minimum Retail Price Agreement
By signing up for a Guild of Blades wholesale account, all retailers agree to conform to the Guild's Minimum Advertised Price Agreement. Retailers shall not advertise any Guild of Blades products for a price less than 80% of the suggested retail price. Additionally, no retailer shall advertise a price less than 90% of the suggested retail price anywhere online, be it by web page, shopping cart, chat or social media or other online media. This limitation shall be in affect for a period no less than 12 months from the retailers last order for said product. Retailers found in violation of this agreement may have their wholesale account terminated.

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